Saturday, December 19, 2009
Dear Superintndent Chalmers
I am writing this letter on behalf of the Physical Education Department at the North Shore Academy located just outside of Las Angeles, CA. I am not sure if you are aware of the dilemma that the population is having with children being over weight. Studies show that today's children will not out live us adults. Scary, yes I know that is what I am here for. I would like to represent this new gaming system that I just became a Master Trainer in. The new game is called iDance, this game is similar to Dance Dance Revolution but the game play, movements and effort needed is much higher than the old gaming system of Dance Dance Revolution. Another reason that iDance is much more efficient and effective on the students bodies and heart rates is that the game allows you to have up to 32 users at the same time, as with Dance Dance Revolution you where allowed 2-4 users. iDance is also a better system because it is wireless as with DDR it is wired to the game council.
During the training I received from the creator, designer, Mr Bas we did a study that should on the first attempts the users were struggling because it was new to many and also they did not understand how to use the machine properly. After a few trials (songs) Bas showed everyone that when you are using the machine you need to keep moving and stay with the rythme. After the Pre-test each participant whould fill out a series of papers asking how they liked it, how much there precived excursion was, and the heart rate was also calculated and scored. The Post-test showed masive amounts of increased energy, it became more fun, because they understood the system.
This system would be great for out school, not only would it help our students become more physically active it shows them something knew that they can do, as opposed to playing traditional games. The game system iDance is really neat because it uses technology in to the game creating interests in many different ways. If you have any more comments or concers please feel free to email me, call, or stop into my office. Here are the links to the research that was performed on the iDance system.
Thank you so much for your time,
Bradley Velten
Head of the Physical Education Department at North Shore Academy
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Volunteer Coaching

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Upon attending the conf

Friday, November 20, 2009 was upon us, this was day to and I was ready to learn.
I began Friday at the conference attending a presentation by Rose Gelrod(Harlem Day Charter School) called "Maximum Fun, Minimum Equipment: Great K-3 Games". The games that were presented were not just created for kids, they were kid tested. These use minimal to no equipment and create maximal fun all while getting the students to meet the National Standards for Physical Education. Next it was time to go the the Keynote Presentation, presented by Brian Luke Seaward. His presentation was a heart touching presentation called "Essential Keys to Wellness: Recreating Life's Vitality. At this session I meet up with Jack Murphy and Mike Koral and many other Cortland colleges were in attendance. Dr. Seaward's presentation was just outstanding, it made me open my eyes and think. One of his quotes was "to know and not do, is not to know". This was the best presentation that I have ever been to, after walking out of the presentation I felt like a new person and I was ready to take on the world. All of this happened before 11 AM, that's the point I decided I will always be in attendance to all of these conferences. Directly after this presentation we all hurried upstairs to the session "Future Professionals Section Business Meeting and Luncheon." The reason we went to this session was because Cortland's own Ryan Ingalls was elected Section President. This was a very exciting for exciting moment for Ryan and a proud moment for all of SUNY Cortland for him to become the Section President. The next session I attended was outstanding because it was presented by Laura Peterson-Shaw the 2009 Elementary Teacher of the year. The session was titled "Great Games and Activities for Elementary Physical Education classes. "

Before the Jay B. Nash Dinner I was sitting in my hotel room reflecting on the past two days, thinking to myself "Where am I going to save all of this information and games I just learned." For some reason an image of a toolbox entered my mind, I was excited because this made sense I can have a toolbox of ideas. Before the dinner SUNY Cortland held a social for its future professionals, professionals and alumni. This was a great time to get my name out there and I started talking to alumni and professors about any and everything. I left the social wit

Unfortunately I was unable to attend the sessions on Saturday. I really wanted to attend the session, "Spice up your Warm Up" because Jack Murphy was presenting and I knew Jack had a few tricks up his sleeve to make it memorable. I recommend to every future professional and professional to attend this conference every year because it is simply amazing. If you attend you will learn more during the conference than imaginable. I know I plan on attending every NYS AHPERD conference from here on out.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Bingo Bowling

So for Lab D I was last to teach behind my classmates Chris and Jason. During the week we meet up and discussed who was going to teach what part of bowling since there is only so much. So as I started my lesson I had the class look at my visual aid to go over my cues which where, approach, push away, pendulum swing, and then the release. On my visual aid I had a diagram of a bowling lane and then the set up of the pins. For my demonstration I had a student who I knew who perform well and he did by hitting the exact location I asked him to, which was the one three pocket of the pins. So after the demonstration I had the class preorganized before I taught so it would save time, each student knew what lane to go to. I had the class play a game a made up called "pockets". The idea behind "pockets" is to have right handed throwers aim for the one-three pocket of the pins, and have left handed throwers aim for pocket one-two. The students had a lot of fun with this game, I was able to tell with the feedback I gave and the smiles that I saw.
After a few minutes I had the students regroup and I was ready to set them up with there next challenge and game, which was Bingo Bowling. But during my re-grouping I had a student misbehave and start saying how stupid this game was and how stupid bowling was. At first I asked the student why the game was stupid, and he kept replying. After a few answers and questions back and forth I realized that the student was just seeking attention. So within a minute I was apply to tell the student that I would deal with him in a second, and then i finished setting up the rest of the class. So after the little interruption I was able to get the students into the game. I found a Bingo Bowling scorecard online that I gave out to the teams of two that I had placed in order before class started. The idea behind the game was first to have fun and then have the students work on taking angles to try to mark of the score sheet. I used the Bingo Bowling score card for my assessment, which was required for lab D. After I set the class on there way I had to go talk to the student who was not having fun bowling. I talked to him for a little bit and then I thought to ask him, " What is your favorite animal", and he replied "I like Penguins." You can here me guide this student through the lesson in my recorded audio. So after I found out that he liked penguins I asked him to waddle like a penguine with me as we approach the lane and prepair to roll the bowling ball. After we went up and bowled like his favorite animal he enjoyed the rest of the class. As I walked around and checked up on the progress of the game and gave feedback to my students which you can see in my feedback anylasis.
During my lesson closer, I tried to end my lesson with asking where bowling was invented, but I gave the anwser by accidetn instead of saying bowling. In my lesson plan you can see that I had a few questions about the history and about the cues. To end my lesson I gave a hook into the next class by saying we will have a round robin tournement the next class and the winner will recieve three free games of bowling. I felt really good about my lesson then I realized that I never gave my class a saftey statement, I noticed this after filling out my C-9 form for this lesson.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The art of Curling
During Lab C we got paired up with partners and my partner was Ricky Sternkopf. When looking up information on curling we decided that I was going to teach first. Together we needed to create a lesson plan with different tasks. Before we could get set to teach we needed to think of how we where going to create equipment and I thought for the stone in curling we could use one gallon ice tea jugs. After planning on using these ice tea jugs we needed to get to work and drink nine one gallon ice tea jugs. As we began getting our collection of “stones” together we asked our roommates if they could contribute and they did. We
planned on freezing the jugs and performing a test run on Monday, it was a good thing we planned on this because some of our jugs cracked and therefore where no longer good. Then we decided to just fill them full of water and glue the tops on, this worked. We had brought nine jugs the amount we needed for the class, and Ricky had a great idea of bringing an extra just in case. Sure enough on the way inside the building one slipped and exploded all over the parking lot, good thing we planned ahead.
Curling was originated in
Through out the lesson I could tell that the students where having a blast using the draw throw, to send there “stone” to their partner. I saw that some of my students where getting this task very easy so I remembered my activity progression and had some of them switch to there left had and try to get the “stone” into the house, which is the target area. I felt during my lesson that I hit every target on the C-9 sheet that was required. During the task I was able to give feedback to over half of the class, which is what is desired. Also when looking at my videos you can see that I managed my time very well leaving lots of room for the activity. As you can see from my time coding sheet that I was able to accomplish everything desired.
Teaching curling was a great experience for Ricky and